Saturday, 6 October 2012


Today we journeyed to Heirapolis, an ancient Roman city near the present day town of Pamukkale. An early Christian community was established here and St Paul refers to the community in Colossians. St Phillip was martryed here and a shrine exists to mark the spot. his remains have however also been reinterred in Rome.

This impressive structure was the Latrine (toilets)

This is the ruin of an ancient olive press

This structure began its life as a Bath house but then became a 3rd century basilica.

This is a Christian tomb from around 1AD. In the next photo you see a side door to the mausoleum depicting a cross.
Now days the area is still a natural mineral spa which attracts thousands of tourists anxious to soak in the waters and pools.

Our rooms have a special gold tap that runs mineral spa water!


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