Monday, 8 October 2012

Thyatira & Pergamum

Quite a long drive to Thyatira today. On the way we passed through extensive olive plantations bordered by towering mountains. Thyatira was one of the early 7 churches of the first century addressed by St John in Revelations 2:18 John's very direct letter left nothing understated for the Christian community. The ruins are in the centre of the town now called Akhisar.

The Thyatirans, like this tortoise were slow to act.

A first century Christian cross incorporating the letters of Jesus

Next stop was Pergamum, now within the township of Bergama. Here we discovered the Red Basilca

Evidence of the Jewish community living here at Pergamum


1 comment:

  1. From Lyn - Please let Attila know I'm still trying to respond and am watching his blog when i can but no matter what new password I'm putting in to even start a new account it won't accept it. I will keep trying again at other times but though he is in godly company i don't have the patience of a Saint.
