Wednesday, 17 October 2012


My wife Kim has joined me in Rome. We visited St Peters Square today and saw the Pope. He spoke in a number of languages and blessed the crowds. It was quite moving to hear him.

The pope came out on that tiny white podium at the back.

A typical Roman street or lane way.
Chiesa San Maria
The Colleseum.
The Arch of Constantine.

Circus Maximus, where they held chariot races.

Ancient temple ruins.
This Church has an enormous staircase up to it. Many Romans have their weddings here especially when they don't really want some of the older relatives joining them. You can see why!

The Roman roofscape.
Kim and I with St Peters Basilica in the background.

Trajan's Markets 2nd century AD

Trajan's column from the 2nd century AD
Me and a local Carabineri.
Castillo San D'Angelo

The Pantheon

Piazza de Spagna or the Spanish Stairs

A coin into the Trevi Fountain ensures you will return to the Eternal city.

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